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  • Writer's pictureEthan Toney

Back To Web Development

I've been building games and prototypes for the past few years now. I've gotten pretty good with C#.

I had originally started in web development, but moved on to UI/UX and Visual Design. Now, I manage websites through plug-ins like Elementor (which is great for visually designing the front-end of websites on WordPress that don't require much backend).

However, my supervisor has asked about creating a dashboard to manage data more effectively. I agreed to the task, thinking I would make several static pages and save to a JSON file, before realizing I needed an actual database to manage the data. Now I'm stuck building a dynamic web app and needing to refresh my skills and improve them. Oh my! I've forgotten much of my HTML/CSS/JS knowledge, in favor of focusing on UI/UX and C# (Unity game engine).

I guess it's back to Udemy for more courses...

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