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  • Writer's pictureEthan Toney

I Bought A Nintendo Switch

Updated: Apr 14, 2022

So I bought a Switch over a Steam Deck, yet I love PC games. I love playing on my gaming laptop. Was it a terrible buy? No! The Switch has exclusives like Mario Kart, Switch Sports, and Mario Party. The Switch also has great ports like Black Flag. It's a family-oriented system with better mobility than the Steam Deck, just with less of the type of games I prefer to play.


I've been able to buy more games and play. I also got to try the Steam Deck. I definitely prefer PC gaming any day, but home consoles or the switch over Steam Deck. The Deck is very nice, bt just a bit too big, loud, and hot to be comfortable with it as a main staple of gaming for me. Perhaps it will fit others, but for me, I'll take the Switch and PC.

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