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  • Writer's pictureEthan Toney

LDR Couples App (Part 2)

Previously I shared my research plan over the LDR app and concluded with a promise to create another article with the data from my survey. In this article, I'll include an infographic with some of that data. I will also include a pdf of my user personas and talk about how I created them.

Infographic Time!

I had five participants who completed the survey. Four of five identified as women, between the ages of 18 and 30. Participants were asked questions like "How important is talking about budgeting," and given a scale to rate that question based on importance. Participants were also given the opportunity to rate their top three most important topics, which matched up with their rates on the scale of each topic.

Since research is one of the most important requirements when wanting to increase an user's experience, I took the data from the survey and started work on personas and design ideas.


Personas are slightly tricky in the sense that they should not hold personal biases and that they should be considered average users. This was problematic since only one of our participants were male.

Since I wanted to represent both male and female in particular for this app, the male persona ended up taking some of my own frustrations and mixing with the data from the survey and personal interviews I've conducted. The female persona was based on personal interviews and the survey, less of my personal thoughts on what an average woman user would feel and think.

Anyway, enough about the possible biases in the male persona. I know you are ready to see some people.

There you have it! My next goal will be to create a few basic wireframes/low-fi frames. I may not show them, mostly because I'm going to focus on on the mockups. So for the next article, I'll probably be posting a few screens, with a majority leaning on the side of a mockup and not a low-fi frame.

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