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  • Writer's pictureEthan Toney

My Visual Design Project (Using Elementor)

I'm slowly building up my portfolio again, and decided to release something I threw together as a reason UX research is worth it. The project I built was cooked up over a couple of years after I would see clients asking for quick websites. Only after I designed the layout did I realize how much the idea really wasn't worth it. People wanted affordable websites at half the time it takes me to do a website. After asking my family for feedback, they agreed that quick was nice but so were options as well. My design took out the freedom of choice and left options that people might think, "hey, if I buy this, maybe someone else has the exact same layout." People want to feel that their site is unique, even if it's simply by having some customizability to a layout.

This was a local project, therefore I am unable to link a live version of the site.

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