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  • Writer's pictureEthan Toney

No, I'm not jumping to Unreal 5

I keep seeing these annoying ads on YouTube with people talking about some of the pain points of using Unity. They jumped shipped to Unreal 4, 5, or Godot, or worse, construction kit engines. For those of you new to that term, think of Core engine, a "game engine" within a game engine (Unreal 4).

When I was younger, I asked a question on StackOverflow about building a game engine within a game engine (Unity). As I have matured (I think, I hope), I now know that I can definitely build a system like the Far Cry games' level editor system within Unity. This is pretty much what Core does.

In reality, while it may be okay for level editors (though I wouldn't bet on that), I'm certain that Core will not be the future of game development. Unreal 4 built Core and let's face it, Unreal 4 will be the future of those types of game creator games.

But let's focus on Unreal 4 and 5 at the moment. Unreal engine 4 is heavy. I haven't checked the specs yet, but I assume Unreal 5 is heavier. And the compiling times with C++ are more of a pain than the times with Unity. Also, in case you didn't know, I work with Unity, so I'm familiar with its issues. Which is the primary reason I state that I will not be jumping over onto Unreal engine. I've tried it a few times before and collect assets on the marketplace.

Why? Why collect free assets? Because they are free.... Sarcasm aside, the issues I have with Unity, as worse as they get every release, do not compare to the learning curve of C++ and the Unreal workforce. I'm used to Unity and C# and enjoy the language. I used to generalize, but now I'm focusing on specializing.

While that may limit the jobs I can apply to, it helps me focus on not only the things I want to be good at, but even great at. New developers are like raccoons. Every new shiny tool, language, etc., attracts them. Dont get caught up focusing on everything. Find your tools, your language, your skills, whatever they are, and hone your abilities in.

Quit switching engines just because something isn't working as you expected. Sit down and learn that engine, whichever one you pick. Just quit jumping around constantly. Only switch when it is necessary. And no, the middle of a project is not that time. I'm out.

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