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  • Writer's pictureEthan Toney

Pentecostal Publishing House (Conceptual)

Updated: Jan 18, 2022

Hello and welcome to my conceptual study over the Pentecostal Publishing House website. Please note that I have not been commissioned by the UPCI or PPH to redesign their website. This redesign was simply created to fix noticeable flaws within the customer experience which might cause customer dissatisfaction, something businesses would not want. My goals were to fix those flaws and gather feedback on these designs, comparing each design to ensure customers would have a better experience when shopping.

My Role

I was the UX researcher and designer.

The Research

I had a head start with who my target audience was, their frustrations with the website, and and was able to establish quick interviews with three people, two females and one male.

The Customer

To summarize the user research insights, I will include a single user persona of someone that would likely shop on the PPH platform.

This profile, while limited in details, gives us enough information to work with. We understand the user prefers to have a great user experience between the checkout and delivery of the products purchased.


Imagine that Maggie Clark is trying to log into the PPH site to check her order and is met with this screen:

The user here would continue trying to carefully type the password and hope they typed correctly without errors. The simple way to solve this issue would be to add a "Show Password" checkbox. I provide the necessary change to counter this frustration in the next image below.

Having added the change, Maggie is able to see that she typed an additional character into the password box on the form and corrects her mistake. She is now able to access her account. Maggie is checking her account because a package came in the mail with an invoice claiming all the products were delivered, yet she is missing a product. She checked on the site and found it said the item was on backorder. She is confused because her emails coming from PPH all say her items have arrived and her order fulfilled. Checking her account, she sees the order has been fulfilled.

Her last order, S-089804, claims to have been processed, shipped, and delivered aka fulfilled. So where is the product she ordered? Maggie calls PPH and they say it will arrive when it comes back into stock. She feels uneasy. What happens if it never arrives? She can't track it because the order claims to be fulfilled. It's a confusing mess for her. When Maggie opens her order on the website, she is met with a confusing and uninformative page.

What happens if PPH claims that the order says fulfilled and doesn't send Maggie her item? What happens if it looks like she is trying to scam PPH by claiming she didn't get the product before it went out of stock? Maggie really wants her product, and although PPH has assured her the product will be sent, the design of the order status page leaves her feeling anxious. No customer wants to feel anxious.

While I've offered a simple solution to the logging in of an account, the next stage of this study will be the solution to fixing the shipping confusion.


When starting this project, I thought about the type of person Maggie Clark would be, where she would shop, etc. Walmart was a great example of what users like Maggie expect during the shipping process. Taking cue of how Walmart handles orders that end up having multiple packages, here is the redesign of how PPH could do better in terms of customer experience.

With this design, Maggie can see that one out of two packages has been delivered to her house. She can expect the second package to arrive later that week.

This is User Experience, creating human-centered designs that customers can rave about in reviews and to their friends/family. I hope you enjoyed my simple case study.

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