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  • Writer's pictureEthan Toney

Welcome: First Post

I'm not much for talking about myself so I'll keep this short. Most people are quick to say, "Oh, I'm a UI/UX designer" or "I'm a junior web developer." Forget that. I'm simply Ethan. I can write code, write stories, visually design websites, create wireframes, etc. In some ways I'm at a junior level and in other ways I'm probably intermediate. Don't get me started on history and theology (my major). I probably should have a master's degree in that but heck, the costs of degrees that really don't make money aren't exactly worth it (though if I ever did get into a position that paid, I might consider getting my master's degree).

Some days I wonder if not having a CS degree makes me less valuable. That is, until I meet other developers or designers and find we are about the same level, sometimes I can teach them or they can teach me a few new tricks. I'm guessing the only useful topics in CS would be data structures and algorithms, but from the work I've done, I've maybe needed that knowledge once or twice and could easily solve it by looking on Google. Most of the people I know who have CS degrees still struggle with DS&A, so I'm not the only one even if I've been coding and designing longer than some of them.

Worst part though, is while others have portfolios, mine is lacking, even if I used to have a pretty decent set of clients with links to website (pre covid). Ever since covid, they've either canceled or haven't replied, and unfortunately, dummy me deleted old website backups. Oh well, back to square one.

That being said, if someone wants to know my favorite games, here they are:

  • Skyrim

  • Age of Mythology

  • GTA 5

  • Borderlands

  • Titanfall 2

  • Red Dead Redemption

  • Sleeping Dogs

Done! Now you know me. I'll get back to updating my portfolio.

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